The Difallah Foundation

THE DIFALLAH FOUNDATION is a non-profit organization acting in public interest.

Goals: The communication, promotion and education concerning the discovery of the tomb of Alexander the Great and the discoverer Mr. Bagdad Djillali Difallah.
To manage all the rights, the knowledge and the findings of Mr. Bagdad Djillali Difallah and THE DIFALLAH FOUNDATION.


The Foundation is helping and realizing Land and sea explorations and expeditions in every part of the World.


Its aim is to Share with the broader public knowledge of all discoveries, expeditions and excavations.


The Foundation will assist the development of all the sectors of economic, social and spiritual life all over the world in conformity with the charter of human rights.
  • Support any human being in the world irrespectively of his or her ethnic, racial or religious origin who is trying to survive and overcome the impact of calamities of natural origin such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, drought, fires or of political origin such as wars, riots, armed conflicts and any form of violence or of social origin such as poverty, famine, epidemic diseases;
  • Search and rescue of any human being in distress;
  • Supply and distribution of food, medicines, materials and funds to any man, woman or child in need that are victims of the above disasters;
  • Provide special care to disabled or sick people, orphans, kids and minors, lonely parents and poor families;
  • Support talented children and young people through financial and material means in order to help them develop their gifts and talents to the benefit of the human civilization;
  • Develop projects and programs for the implementation of any idea that could create prosperity for people and contributing for the development of the sectors of agriculture, finance, industry, trade, transport, power generation, protection of environment, waste processing, telecommunication, education;
  • Develop and realize projects (including film making, book editing and other publications) about the finding, restoration and conservation of monuments of human history and culture, the sharing of knowledge and education;
  • Consult and collaborate with governmental bodies, international organizations, private entities and individuals for the development and realization of various projects in conformity with the goals of the Foundation;
  • Consult and support local authorities in their efforts to improve the living condition and preserve the cultural heritage of the local communities;
  • Develop projects and programs for the economic, political and cultural integration of minorities in the societies;
  • Organize various forms of training and education like seminars, conferences, workshops, public discussions;
  • Raise funds for realization of the goals of the Foundation;
  • Establish special financial vehicles and funds for the realization of projects.